Education / Schools
Facilities Management and Operations
TRiGroup provides a complete and full Facilities Program and Facilities Management service. Our project team members have excelled in delivering worry-free and turnkey projects to clients. We take each project as an individually unique undertaking where complete focus is given to ensure that the needs of the owners are met according to their established outcomes.
Our project team members are trained to deliver projects focused on 4 core areas, On Budget, On Time, Audit Ready Records, and Professional Communication/Outreach to stakeholders. We give a thousand dollar project the same attention as a 100 million dollar engagement!
TRiGroup offers the following services to its clients:
- Program Management
- Contract Administration and Management
- Facilities Management
- Front End Document Reviews
- Facilities Planning
- Bid Packet Analysis
- Cash Flow Analysis
- Project Accounting and Financials
- Facilities Review
- Change Order Review and Negotiations
- Value Engineering
- Space Utilization Study
- Pre-Bond Services
- Stakeholders and Community Meeting Facilitation
- Master Planning
- State and Federal Applications Review and Preparations
- Deferred Maintenance Reports, Assessments
- Delivery Method Analysis
- Project Controls
- Impact Fee Negotiations
- Scheduling, Cost Loaded Schedules
- Maintenance Plan Review
- Project Plan Review
- TempExec – Facilities Administrator “On Loan” Program
- Cost Estimating• Performance Audit
- Contract Negotiations
- Phasing Schedules
- Risk Elimination/Mitigation Studies
- Interim Housing Options• Project Closeout Strategies
- Failure Analysis
The Business of Schools
TRiGroup understands that the primary focus of our educational institutions, including public school districts, private schools, and universities is the ability to produce conducive learning environments for all students. While Academic Achievement becomes a core mission, it takes solid business know-how and skills to support the educational endeavors of each learning organization.
We offer the following services to help and augment the administrator’s efforts in running the business side of schools:
- Revenue Generation
- Work Flow Systems
- Reorganization Studies
- Utility Audits
- Process Reengineering
- Facilities Planning
- Best Management Practices
- Facilities Program Review and Performance Assessment
- 3rd Party Validation Studies
- Fact-Finding Services
- Labor Strategies and Issues Abatement
- Internal Controls Evaluation
- Contract Negotiations
- Risk Management, Elimination, Mitigation
- Site Acquisition and Development Study
- “Town Hall” Meeting Facilitation Experts”
- School Closure Analysis and Advise
- TempExec – Administrator “On Loan” Program
- Facilitation Services
- Departmental Team Building and Training