California’s OUTDOOR EQUITY PROGRAM Announces $57m in total grant funds!

More grants like this one are still available.

Too many kids from low-income communities don't have access to nature and communities of color are three times more likely to live in "nature deprived" areas, as compared to their white counterparts.

Thankfully, our State government has responded to the disparity by advancing grants that favor programs to bring children outdoors and into nature. Recently, the CA State Parks announced the 125 award recipients for their "Outdoor Equity Program," totaling $57,000,000. The complete list, program summaries, and interactive map can be found HERE.

But, don't worry if you missed out. The California Natural Resources Agency just announced their "Youth Community Access Program," opening up a grant application window between June 10, 2022 and July 29, 2022. The programs are geared to support youth access to natural or cultural resources with a focus on low-income and disadvantaged students. Approximately $18.3 million dollars are available. Click HERE for details.

TRiGroup's Advice: Take full advantage of the beautiful outdoors and open up access to nature for your students. The above-mentioned programs are only two of many ways you can help all students benefit from outdoor education. Read more HERE about why access to state parks can make a difference.

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