by Scott Hansen, Senior Consultant at TRiGroup, Inc.

There are two different Bills that we are closely monitoring for our clients.
AB 75 (O’Donnell, D-Long Beach) would place the Kindergarten-Community Colleges Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2022 on the ballot in 2022 to fund the construction and modernization of education facilities.
SB 22 (Glazer, D-Orinda) would place the Public Preschool, K–12, and College Health and Safety Bond Act of 2022 on the ballot in 2022 to provide $15 billion in funding to construct and modernize education facilities.
The Assembly Bill, AB 75 will be taken up this Thursday, May 20th.
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Like AB 75, The Senate has their own Bill, SB 22 (Glazer, D-Orinda's) Bill is set to be heard this week as well on Thursday, May 20th. (
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