CA State Senate and Assembly advance School Facilities Bonds for 2022 Ballot

by Scott Hansen, Senior Consultant at TRiGroup, Inc.

photo courtesy of Thurdman

There are two different Bills that we are closely monitoring for our clients.

AB 75 (O’Donnell, D-Long Beach) would place the Kindergarten-Community Colleges Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2022 on the ballot in 2022 to fund the construction and modernization of education facilities.

SB 22 (Glazer, D-Orinda) would place the Public Preschool, K–12, and College Health and Safety Bond Act of 2022 on the ballot in 2022 to provide $15 billion in funding to construct and modernize education facilities.

The Assembly Bill, AB 75 will be taken up this Thursday, May 20th.

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Like AB 75, The Senate has their own Bill, SB 22 (Glazer, D-Orinda’s) Bill is set to be heard this week as well on Thursday, May 20th. (

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