Education Workforce Housing:

CSBA Publishes a "Groundbreaking" report on WHY it matters and HOW to move forward.

The Full Report:

Education Workforce Housing in California: Developing the 21st Century Campus

Well-written and well-organized, the report provides both the argument about why this matters as well as the roadmap and resources for making it a reality.

Get familiar now. CSBA and others will soon be offering workshops.

The Handbook:

Education Workforce Housing in California

More visual and practical than the full report, the handbook serves well as a companion to the report, geared towards those who are stepping into action.

What CSBA is Saying:

"’s essential that we pursue high-leverage measures to attract and retain an education workforce that can prepare our students for the challenges of college, career and community in the 21st century.”

-Dr. Susan Heredia

CSBA President